Mevr. N.L. Rijkers-Koorn
Mevr. E.M. Bisschop-Lagendijk
Dhr. N. Leerkotte
Mevr. S. Leenman-Dekker
Telefoon 038 200 90 90
Voor SPOED kies 1
The doctor's assistant has her office hours every working day. This is only by appointment.
If you suspect a bladder infection, you can return urine to the assistant without an appointment. Keep in mind that it should preferably be the first urine of the morning. If you cannot deliver it immediately, you must store the urine in the refrigerator.
You can contact her for the following actions:
Ear syringing
Blood pressure check
Pap smears related to Population Screening for cervical cancer
Removing stitches
Hb control ('anemia')
Glucose control ('sugar control')
Wound care / treatment
Putting injections like contraception injections or vit B12
Warts consultation hour
At the request of the GP, she also arranges:
24-hour blood pressure measurement
30 min measurement for blood pressure
Holter research ('making a heart video at home, when complaints')
CRP measurement ('ignition value')
Consultation hours by our specialised docotor's assistant (SOH)
Alita is our SOH. She is a specially trained assistant who guarantees the logistics of the (own) consultation hour by giving semi-urgent patients the attention they need. From allergic reactions to burns, it is often quickly clear whether urgent treatment is needed and the GP does not necessarily have to come to it. The SOH can independently handle or refer minor injuries and common complaints if necessary. This offers the general practitioner peace of mind during the daily consultation hour, so that there is more time for more complex problems.
Allergic skin reaction
Bite wound
Splinter into the skin skin
Sprained ankle
Sore throat
Urinary complaints woman
Abrasions, tears and cuts
Sinus complaints and colds
Bleeding under the (toe) nail
Tooth by lip
Toe injury
Tick ​​bite
Wasp, bee, insect sting