Mevr. N.L. Rijkers-Koorn
Mevr. E.M. Bisschop-Lagendijk
Dhr. N. Leerkotte
Mevr. S. Leenman-Dekker
Telefoon 038 200 90 90
Voor SPOED kies 1
Update November 16, 2022
At the beginning of July you were informed that we were directly affected by the acute closure of Dr Hamoen's practice. We want thank you for all the support and understanding we have received from you.
We are happy to inform you that our team has expanded with several people, see later in this message. Despite the strengthening of our team, the pressure on healthcare remains great.
How can you help us?
Be nice to our assistants, they really do their best.
Getting angry or complaining only takes us more time and doesn't make things go faster for anyone.
Look first for your questionswww.moetiknaardedokter.nlof www.thuisarts.nl
If you succeed, ask your question viawww.MyHealth.net
Listen to the advice of our assistants; they are trained for this and everything is read by the general practitioners.
Keep an eye on our websitewww.huisarts-holtenbroek.nl
Team Expansion
· Vanaf 1 oktober zal dokter Leenman 2 dagen per week bij ons_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
komen werken op dinsdag en Thursday. Some of you know
haar mogelijk nog. She was once trained by my predecessor
Dokter van Meeteren. In addition, she has several weeks in practice
van dokter Hamoen gewerkt.
· Omdat dokter Leenman zwanger is zal zij vanaf 16 november met
zwangerschapsverlof gaan. The intention is that they will return in March 2023
. Dokter Hamidi is per 1 november bij ons werkzaam op de
maandag en woensdag. She will in any case during the leave
van dokter Leenman bij ons to stay.
. Dokter Korf zal per 1 start December with us on Tuesday en
donderdag. She has been working in practice for about 1 year
van dokter Hamoen.
· Vanaf 15 oktober zal Evelien (voorheen stagiaire bij Alies) bij ons
komen werken op dinsdag en Wednesday. She now has hair
diploma tot Praktijkondersteuner Somatiek afgerond . She will the
mensen met suikerziekte, COPD and cardiovascular disease.
· Marleen, onze POH GGZ, zal voortaan op donderdag en vrijdag op
de praktijk zijn.
· Chantal, doktersassistente, is vanaf 5 september meer uren gaan
werken. Alternating 4-5 days a week.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-15 Innofukbad started Sept. She is a 3rd year intern of the
Deltion College. She will graduate next spring
doktersassistent in ontvangst nemen.
· Dokter de Ruiter, huisarts in opleiding, heeft zijn eerste jaar
succesvol doorlopen. That's why he must be elsewhere now
opleiding vervolgen.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-15 general practitioners currently have a shortage of training
geen huisarts in opleiding. We hope to have another one in March 2023
enthousiaste arts te mogen verwelkomen .
News update 5-9-2022
Dear patients,
At the beginning of July you were informed that we were directly affected by the acute closure of Dr Hamoen's practice. Below is a brief update on what this means for you and what we have arranged so far.
We still have a shortage of doctors in September. In particular from 5 to 9 September. This is partly due to the holiday of doctor Bisschop and doctor Duijzer. We do our utmost to help you as best as possible. However, non-urgent questions may have to wait longer.
During the summer, Dr. Duijzer (who used to be a GP in training and has now graduated as a GP) was able to help us. He will continue to work with us until the end of October (Monday and Wednesday).
From October 1, Dr. Leenman will come to work with us 2 days a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Some of you may remember her. She was once trained by my predecessor Doctor van Meeteren. She also worked for several months in the practice of doctor Hamoen.
Because Dr. Leenman is pregnant, she will go on maternity leave from 9 December.
From November 15, Evelien (formerly an intern at Alies) will come to work with us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. She has now completed her diploma as a Practitioner Somatics. She will see people with diabetes, COPD and cardiovascular disease.
Marleen, our POH GGZ will be at the practice on Thursdays and Fridays from now on. On Tuesday morning she has her telephone consultation/administration time.
Chantal, a doctor's assistant, will start working more hours from September 5. Alternating 4-5 days/week.
We are very happy with this reinforcement of our team. Yet the pressure on healthcare remains great.How can you help us?
Be nice to our assistants, they really do their best
Getting angry or complaining only takes us more time and doesn't make things go faster for anyone
Look first for your questionsShould I go to the doctor? or onHome doctor
If you succeed, ask your question viaMyHealth.net
Listen to the advice of our assistants; they are trained for this and everything is read by the general practitioners. If the GP thinks that the advice given is incorrect, or if you still have questions, you will be called
Yours sincerely,
Team Huisarts@Holtenbroek, doctor Rijkers.
NEWS 07-07-2022
Dear patients,​
We are directly affected by the acute closure of Dr. Hamoen's practice. What do you notice about this?
It's extra busy in practice
You have to wait longer on the phone or for an appointment
You will more often be treated by another doctor
How can you help us?
Be nice to our assistants, they really do their best
Getting angry or complaining only takes us more time and doesn't make things go faster for anyone
Look first for your questionsShould I go to the doctor? or onHome doctor
If you succeed, ask your question viaMyHealth.net
Listen to the advice of our assistants; they are trained for this and everything is read by the general practitioners. If the GP thinks that the advice given is incorrect, or if you still have questions, you will be called
We are all working hard to expand our team. We expect to be able to realize this in the autumn. Until then, we hope for your understanding.
You have been assigned a new GP.
You can read how this is dividedhere
Onlypatients of doctor Hamoen who live at the zip codes mentioned below can now call our practice for medical questions.
From 8031 AA to 8031 UZ
From 8041 AW to 8041 ZZ
From 8042 AA to 8042 GZ
From 8043 HH to 8043 ZZ
From 8044 AA to 8044 TM